Bill Heid
Thomson, Illinois
On a recent episode of "America Declassified"... specialized investigators looked into the cause of John Wayne's long, painful bouts with cancer.
His first bout in 1964 was with lung cancer... in which... he survived after a malignant tumor was removed from his left lung.
However, on June 11, 1979, not long after his second operation of the year for cancer of the lower abdomen, he was sent
So why, some 34 years after "The Duke's" death, would these investigators be looking for the cause of his cancer bouts... and... subsequent death from cancer?
After all, it was pretty well-known John Wayne was a heavy-smoking, heavy-drinking, hard-living man. So, cancer would seem like a fairly logical thing for him to contract? Maybe.
Both the Centers for Disease Control and the American Cancer Society list tobacco and alcohol as carcinogens (cancer-causing agents)... and... give alarming statistics that show they cause hundreds of thousands of deaths every year in the U.S. alone.
Here's why:
Most people are unaware, but, John Wayne starred in a little-known (and not very well-liked) movie in 1956 about Genghis Khan, titled...
And, they made that movie in the desert near St. George, Utah... because... the movie's producer, Dick Powell thought it resembled the central Asian steppes where Genghis Kahn used to roam.
There's nothing unusual about that... except this shocking fact...
The possible cause? According to the scientific investigators (Mike Baker and Ben McGee), the entire cast and crew were most likely exposed to high amounts of nuclear radiation.
Well, you might know a little bit about this, but let me give you a quick, factual (and quite startling) bit of history:
Just 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas (which sees more than 40 million visitors a year) is the most nuked place on earth, the Nevada Test Site.
The Nevada Test Site is where the U.S. government...
Detonated Almost 1,000 Atomic Bombs Between 1951 And 1992!
In fact, there's a bar in downtown Las Vegas where people used to sit on the roof and watch the bomb tests... called... appropriately enough...
This bar (the oldest bar in Las Vegas, by the way) was recently featured on such popular TV shows as "Pawn Stars" and Anthony Bordain's, "Parts Unknown".
But I digress.
Like I said, the scientific investigators think the cast and crew were exposed to high levels of radiation... because... The Conqueror was filmed just 100 miles from The Nevada Test Site... and... they filmed it downwind.
In fact, in 1953, the year before filming the movie...
There Were 11 Atomic Bombs Detonated Aboveground!
The investigators tested this by going to the film location and digging down 6 centimeters (because radioactive material migrates down roughly 1 centimeter a year).
The results: 60 years after The Conqueror was filmed, the investigators found a significant "rise" or "bump" in radiation right where the crew was filming.
In fact, specifically, they found Cesium 137. Cesium 137 is not found in nature... and... it's only produced as a result of nuclear fission in reactors or nuclear weapons.
And, Cesium 137 is very problematic, because, it moves and spreads in nature quite easily.
Later in the show, one of the investigators shared these results with Richard L. Miller, a nuclear fallout expert... and then... asked him if he would knowingly participate in a film on that site. His answer? He essentially said...
The investigators came to the conclusion, that, while they couldn't say for sure that filming on the site absolutely caused John Wayne's cancer bouts and subsequent death, the evidence was definitely there that he and others were exposed to a radioactive material that's a proven cancer-causer.
And when you combine that with the fact that the residents of St. George, Utah have suffered marked increases in cancers (from leukemia to breast, bone and brain, among others), it certainly seems like there's a strong link
So, why am I bringing this all up?
For some good reasons. While most of us will not make a film on a radiation hotspot, our bodies are under assault every day from environmental toxins and pollutants... and even... excessive background radiation from many sources, such as...
1. The Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster in Japan in March of 2011 (see fallout map below)...
2. Multiple radioactive contaminant releases at the U.S. atomic-waste repository in New Mexico (the most recent on March 19, 2014) and other areas in the United States...
3. Routine "out gassing" of nuclear contaminants at nuclear power plants in Europe and other regions of the world.
All of this combined is contributing to an increase in background radiation around the world... especially in the Northern Hemisphere.
4.The world is becoming more Nuclear as time goes on. According to CNN, North Korea conducted it's FIFTH nuclear test on September 10th, 2016. Many also believe Iran is quickly on its way to having Nukes.
That fallout doesn't just disappear it contaminates the air and ocean and gets distributed all over Earth.
But it's not only the rise in radiation levels worldwide that is a concern... there's also overwhelming evidence available in scientific literature that toxic heavy metals cause the development of chronic illnesses.1,2,3
Chronic illnesses, such as...
Everything from the products we use for household cleaning, to personal hygiene products (soaps and antiperspirants/deodorants), to the food and water we consume may be poisoning us via heavy metal contamination.
For example, most antiperspirants are aluminum-based... and... although mainstream medicine denies a link, there are some who suggest this may be a factor in the increased incidences of breast cancer in women.
So, what is a person to do to protect against this onslaught? The answer may lie in...
So, what is a person to do to protect against this onslaught? The answer may lie in...
If you've never heard of chelation it comes from "chelos" the Greek word for claw... meaning to hold onto. And chelation therapy was used to save the lives of soldiers and factory workers back in World War II.
Here's what happened:
When soldiers and factory workers were exposed to heavy metal poisoning during the war they experienced serious life-threatening illnesses such as liver failure... mental decline... angina... kidney failure... irregular breathing... uncontrollable muscle spasms and pain... extremely low energy levels... skin rashes and lesions... and even.... vision loss.
Doctors soon realized the only way to save them was with a relatively new European treatment called EDTA I.V. chelation therapy.
You see, the amino acid EDTA has the uncanny ability to "claw" onto heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium and arsenic - just to name a few.
Even the Mayo Clinic recognizes chelation therapy as "a proven treatment for lead or mercury poisoning."4
However, traditional chelation therapy can be very time consuming and quite costly. Each visit typically costs $100 to $250 and takes approximately 3 1/2 to 4 hours of sitting in a chair with an I.V. needle in your arm. (That's if you can even get in to receive treatment.)
And, most people typically go one to three times a week for months... racking up bills into the thousands of dollars... that... by the way, are not covered by most insurance companies)
Traditional chelation therapy can be very costly.
Now, there have been at least five other types of chelator agents over the years besides EDTA... all seem to require an I.V. needle for administration. However, a relatively new chelator that seems to work well (and comes in an easy-absorb liquid) is an all-natural substance called...
This near-miracle mineral is a natural combination of volcanic ash and sea water... and... is well known for attracting and helping to eliminate heavy metals from the body and the environment.
So much so, it has been used successfully on a large environmental scale to help with nuclear accident clean up.
For internal human use Zeolite is listed on the Food and Drug Administration's Generally Accepted As Safe (GRAS) list... and... it's known to attach and hold unhealthy heavy metals (like lead, aluminum cadmium, arsenic and mercury) and help to eliminate them through the digestive system.
It's able to do this because it exhibits a "cage" crystalline structure with a negative charge that attracts heavy metals that are mostly positively charged. It then captures these metals in its cage structure so the body can then safely eliminate the Zeolite along with the captured heavy metals.
Anecdotally, users of Zeolite have reported...
These benefits are most likely the result of all bodily functions operating more efficiently when free of heavy metal contaminants and free radicals.
That being the case, we searched for the highest-grade, purest form of Zeolite in the world and acquired the exclusive rights to use this near-miracle mineral in a new product called...
But we didn't stop there. In addition to high-grade, ultra-pure Zeolite, each CheloMax all-natural vegetarian capsule contains 19 other powerhouse nutrients that are designed to work together in a synergistic way to help rid your body of toxic heavy metals and pollutants.
"Synergistic" simply means that the individual ingredients of the formula seem to work in a better way when mixed together than when simply taken by themselves.
Many of these nutritional powerhouses are herbs that have been used in the ancient and much revered Ayurvedic medicine tradition of the Far East... which... originated in India more than 3,000 years ago.
Each Chelomax Bottle Of "Survival Detox Drops" Contains 20 Ingredients!
Chelomax - A Chelation Therapy Supplement
Here are the names of those nutrients and a brief description of how they work:
Apple Pectin: A soluble fiber used to help with heavy metal toxicity.
Shilajit:Found mainly in the Himalayas, it is known as a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and memory enhancer.
Tulsi: Also known as "Holy Basil" this plant is an all-purpose detoxifier.
Ashwagandha: Used in traditional medicine for a number of issues including liver issues and more.
Dulse: Found mainly in the cold waters off the Atlantic coast of Canada, Ireland and Norway, this seaweed is a clinically-proven antioxidant. Its use may help combat the onslaught of environmental toxins that are believed to be causing increases in auto-immune issues.
Bacopa: Research suggests bacopa might protect brain cells from dangerous chemicals. Alos considered to be a stress-fighting tonic.
Rice Bran: Popular in Japan, Asia and India, rice bran is usedfor a number of debilitating health concerns.
Red Clover: A simple plant used for some very complex health issues.
Triphala: An herb composed of three Indian super-fruits that works as an antioxidant, may lowers inflammation, and some say helps to eleiminate toxins from the colon.
Yellow dock is used ny native Americans for inflammation of nasal passages and the respiratory tract and as a tonic.
Milk Thistle: Milk thistle has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It's used most often for liver issues (like cirrhosis and hepatitis)... and... to support liver cells from toxic chemicals.
Amla-C: Amla-C is an ultra-potent and "protective" antioxidant.
Arjuna Terminalia: Used to treat heart disease... including chest pain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.16
Cilantro: Also know as coriander, it is used for digestion problems. In traditional medicine, it has been used to treat infections caused by bacteria and fungus... and... to kill parasites.
Turmeric: A plant-derived spice that is said to help with sore joints and arthritis, and liver problems.
Alfalfa: A nutrient-rich herb used for many health complaints.
Garlic: Has a lot of uses including building up the immune system.
Green Tea: Seems to help and prevent many health issues
Ginger: Great for a wide range of problems, too many to list.
The real answer is almost everyone!
However, there are some people who definitely have had more heavy metal and/or radiation exposure than others (usually because of their occupation). People like:
The truth is... everyone could most likely benefit from a daily heavy-metal detoxification program with CheloMax. And...
You have four supply options to choose from:
Best Value! Twelve-Bottle Savings Pack. Order 12 bottles (a full year's supply) for just $251.40. (With the BOGO you'll be getting twenty four bottles for $251.40)
Great Value: Six-Bottle Savings Pack. Order 6 bottles (a six-month supply) for just $137.70. (With the BOGO you'll be getting twelve bottles for $137.70)
Good Value: Three-Bottle Savings Pack. - Order three bottles (a three-month supply) for just $74.85. (With the BOGO you'll be getting six bottles for $74.85)
Trial Offer: One-Bottle Starter Pack - Order one bottle (a one-month supply) for just $29.95. (With the BOGO you'll get two bottles for $29.95)
One more thing. It's important. It's now being reported that many "jabs" contain dangerous heavy metals and pose other health hazards you may not even be aware of. Some people (including prominent doctors) claim you can link "jabs" directly to chronic disease... and perhaps even... death!
I hope you realize why a daily heavy metal detoxification method is not a luxury, but a must have in today's world.
As I mentioned before, the Zeolite we use in CheloMax is the highest-grade, purest form in the world. It has been specially-cleansed and prepared for human consumption. And, it's on the Food and Drug Administration's Generally Accepted As Safe (GRAS) list. (That said, the Food and Drug Administration has not studied or endorsed this product)
Therefore, with such high-quality control measures and exacting standards, we can only get a limited number of bottles of CheloMax (containing this ultra-pure Zeolite) at one time as there is a run on this product.
If you try to order after current supplies are gone, you'll be given the option of being put on a "first-come, first-served waiting list" until our next shipment arrives in a few weeks to a month.
Also, please know, you never need to worry about risking anything when you order CheloMax... because... it is fully guaranteed with...
Here's How It Works: Once your order arrives, start using CheloMax as directed. And then, if it doesn't perform like I've described here... if... within a short period of daily use you don't feel an increase in energy, vigor and vitality... clearer thinking and better memory... and... an overall greater sense of well-being... simply send it back any unused portion within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price. (less shipping and handling of course)
No hassles. No questions asked. Fair enough? If so...
For Fastest Service: Click the "BUY NOW" button at the bottom of this page, and it will take you to our 24-hour secure online order form.
To Order By Check Or Money Order:
Powerful Living
Attn: CheloMax
900 W Main St.
P.O. Box 361
Thomson, IL 61285
Checks and Money Orders should be made payable to: Powerful Living.
Jared Brewer
General Manager, Powerful Living
P.S. CheloMax with Zeolite is not available in stores. In fact, we have the exclusive worldwide distribution rights. Further, you should also know that all of the ingredients in CheloMax meet these high-quality standards:
Best Value! Twelve-Bottle Savings Pack. Order 12 bottles (a full year's supply) for just $251.40. (With the BOGO you'll be getting twenty four bottles for $251.40)
(Out Of Stock)
Great Value: Six-Bottle Savings Pack. Order 6 bottles (a six-month supply) for just $137.70. (With the BOGO you'll be getting twelve bottles for $137.70)
(Out Of Stock)
Good Value: Three-Bottle Savings Pack. - Order three bottles (a three-month supply) for just $74.85. (With the BOGO you'll be getting six bottles for $74.85)
(Out Of Stock)
Trial Offer: One-Bottle Starter Pack - Order one bottle (a one-month supply) for just $29.95. (With the BOGO you'll get two bottles for $29.95)
(Out Of Stock)
Prefer to pay by check or money order?
Send your payment to:
Powerful Living
Attn. CheloMax
900 W Main St.
P.O. Box 361
Thomson, IL 61285
Order Online By Safe Secure Server
Not Available In Stores!
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